Toddlers — Always On the Move
When your child is all over the place, they're discovering their world. Toddlers learn best in safe, loving places where they can explore, in their own way. The activities for this age group are built around toddlers' limitless curiosity and their natural desire to push boundaries.
Inside Your Toddler's day
During their time with us your child will learn to count, discover writing and music, and start building toward following simple instructions, and using the potty.
Purposeful Play Is Early Education
Each day is packed with carefully designed activities structured around the six main development areas. Here are a few example activities:
Language and Literacy
Executive Function
Social and Emotional Development
use one or two words to label objects and express needs and wants
build an understanding of words through interactions including reading books
imitate reading behaviors like turning pages and babbling while looking at pictures
explore writing with scribbles on paper
remember the location of objects like a specific toy
follow simple rules some of the time.
watch and imitate how others use objects or complete tasks
control impulses some of the time
show increased interest in interacting with familiar adults
show increased interest in interacting with other children
manage emotions independently or with the help of a familiar adult
notice when other children are upset and try to help them feel better
Physical Development and Wellness
Cognitive Development
Creative Expression
learn to walk better and start to run
play games that develop throwing and kicking skills
show an increasing ability to control their hands
start to communicate at mealtime using simple words
show interest in counting and start to identify one, two, or three objects
learn words like up and down and differences in size and volume
sort and classify objects like helping a teacher make piles of different colored toys
explore cause and effect by discovering new ways to play with toys
create art using materials like crayons and clay
move creatively with other kids to learn body awareness and build social skills
enter the world of make believe with simple props like toy phones and puppets
interact with music through games and simple songs